
The best of human and technology

Our unique agnostic and non-invasive IoT, end-to-end approach, and machine learning-based predictive maintenance have convinced customers with critical installations across Europe and Asia.

Human expertise…

  • Multi-brand experienced field team

  • Dedicated support for inquiry and follow-up 

  • Access to all parts (OEM included)

  • Engineer with a reduced portfolio to ensure quality and reactivity 

...plus cutting-edge IoT and technology…

  • Intelligent machine learning algorithms trained on hundreds of pieces of equipment 

  • Our algorithms calculate the expected values for each parameter and the confidence interval

  • Proprietary tailor-made dashboards to access device history: reports, anomalies...

Our expertise

We maintain and maximize all type of equipment

Our 3 main benefits

A solution for all of 

your maintenance problems

Predictive maintenance & alerting

Be on top of operations

Make sustainability a reality

Ready to get started?

Connect with our team of experts to learn how we can maximize your business.